Call for Ideas |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:27:49] |
Die IAD sammelt von Ihren Mitgliedern Forschungsideen. Diese Ideen dienen dazu Signale zu geben, an gleichartiger Forschung teilnehmen zu wollen, bzw. Kollegen mit ähnlichen Schwerpunkten zu einer Zusammenarbeit zu bewegen.
IAD is collecting research ideas. The ideas inform about your area of intrest and invite colleagues to start a co-operation with you or to integrate you into their research.
2003 UN- Jahr des Wassers |
Artikel von Meinhard Breiling |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:15:22] |
Sturgeon Events 2003 |
Stör ist mehr als Kaviar - Medienkonferenz am 7. Mai 2003 in Regensburg / Sturgeon is more than Caviar - Media Conference on May 7, 2003, in Regensburg |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:13:15] |
Water framework directive and the Rába river management planning |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:10:46] |
von István Láng/Miklós Pannonhalmi NtWA Gyor
Drei Jahre nach Baja Mare |
Eine Nachbetrachtung der größten Gewässerverunreinigung Europas |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:09:08] |
von Dipl.Ing.Dr. Karl Wachter |
Seminar zur nationalen WRRL-Umsetzung in Österreich, BMLFUW und ÖWAV, Wien, 22- 23 Oktober 2003 |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:07:16] |
SIL-Austra Tagung 2003 in St. Georgen am Längsee vom 28. bis 31. Oktober 2003 |
Veranstalter: Kärntner Institut für Seenforschung |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:06:09] |
IAWD Symposium, September 2002 |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 18:04:26] |
During September 26th to 28th, 2002, the second International Symposium of the International Association of Waterworks in the Danube Catchement on "Public Drinking Water Supply in the Danube Catchment Area" took place in Opatija, Croatia. Public agencies dealing with drinking water supply, engineers supplying waterworks with technical expertise as well as scientists working on various tasks of water supply took part in the meeting as well as IAD Secretary General Meinhard Breiling. IAWD - www.iawd.at - has an interest in research related to the future drinking water supply of the Danube ... [more...]
Study and Training Tour on Danube River Basin Management, November 2002 |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 17:57:39] |
Funded by the IDRC and organised by ZINKE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTING, FLUVIUS and IAD: This expert training in Austria was executed under the UNDP/GEF project no. RER/99/G31/A/1G/31 Dnieper Basin Environment Programme (DBEP), a Regional Project of the United Nations Development Programme with participation from the governments of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine.
The visiting expert group from the three basin countries has the task to develop a biodiversity strategy for a Dniepr River Basin Strategic Action Programme. This region is subject to various water pollution and structural ... [more...]
33th conference of the International Assiciation for Danube Research (IAD), Osijek (HR), 2000 |
Resolution of the 33th conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 17:44:38] |
German: https://iad.gs/resd.htm
English: https://iad.gs/rese.htm |
EC-Water Framework Directive - Die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) der EU |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 17:30:47] |
Joint Danube Survey |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 17:01:21] |
The International Comission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) organize a Joint Danube Survey from Ulm (Danube-km 2581) to Sulina (Danube-km 0) in August/September 2001
Pax Danubiana - Internationale Kunst- und Friedensaktion, 23. Sept. 2000 |
23 sept. 2000, Donaueschingen/D
Contact: |
Posted by Dipl.Ing. Webmaster B. [2004-01-26 16:49:27] |
Auf einer Wegstrecke von fast 3000 Kilometern verbindet die Donau zehn Länder. Sie könnte
Symbol für den Frieden sein, doch am Balkan herrscht Krieg.1825 Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus allen zehn Donauländern werden in einer gemeinsamenPerformance, zeitgleich in allen 20 Aktionsorten ihren künstlerischen Beitrag zur Friedensaktion pax Danubiana in einer Flasche aus recyclebarem Kunststoff der Strömung der Donau überlassen. Der Finder behält sie als Geschenk und Zeichen des Friedens.Die Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (IAD) beteiligt sich an dieser Aktion,indem sie ein ... [more...]