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IAD Period 2007 - 2012: introduction of new GS in Vienna, TU Wien, 12.12.06, 17:30, Operngasse 11, room 32 |
Introduction of program of new general secretary Harald Kutzenberger |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-10-20 15:13:04] |
Dear colleagues,
my term as IAD GS ends this year. I enjoyed this period and got many new friends all over the Danube region. Thank you for cooperation during these years. Now, it is time to look forward to a new IAD era.
On Sept. 5th, 2006, the IAD General Assembly has elected a new general secretary for the period 2007 - 2012: Dr. Harald Kutzenberger, , , Upper Austria. Please note the address as this will become also the official mailing address of IAD.
The few privileged of us, who stay in Vienna on Dec. 12th, 2006, can get an introduction to ... [more...]
IAD GS candidates at elections on Sept. 5th, 2006
2nd International EWA Conference WATERS IN PROTECTED AREAS April 25-27, 2007 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
1. Water management in National parks
2. Protected resources (groundwater and surface water)
3. Threats to islands and coastal zones
4. Water and wastewater infrastructure in ancient cities
In the frame of those main topics next issues should be focused:
- legislation and its implementation
- integral watershed management
- new concepts, visions and technical solutions
- conflicting situations
- water and water quality research
- education and public information |
Posted by Mag. Dr. Thomas Hein [2006-09-25 11:03:55] |
CALL FOR PAPERS (the deadline is extended until the End of September!)
The Organizing Committee invites all planners, designers, scientists, engineers, educators, water managers and environmentalists to submit an abstract on any of listed topics for the II international conference on Water in Protected Areas.
Please send your abstract (one page, max 800 words), by mail or on-line to the organizing committee with the abstract submission form (see the link at the bottom of this page). The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 15, 2006 . Your abstract will be reviewed by an ... [more...]
“Local Concepts of Sustainability in Small Scale Danube Regions” Case Studies from Upper Austria Province. |
Local Concepts of Sustainability in Small Scale Danube Regions: an IAD initiative to celebrate IAD 50 years anniversary. |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-08-18 13:34:12] |
Since several years, IAD supports the aims and implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. So far these concepts work on the larger scale. However, what to do, when it comes to the local scale? How to integrate initiatives in a larger scale? As first initiative – hopefully out of many others – IAD presents a particular small scale region and particular aspects of water management in the line of a more sustainable future. Upon invitation of Harald Kutzenbacher you can participate in a two days program to explore ways to precede the mentioned aims.
As the date August 28th ... [more...]
Improved acquatic environment in accordance with EU WFWD
FW: 5th Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube-Black Sea Basins- First Announcement |
Regional Conference on Nutrient Pollution Control in the Danube Black Sea Basin (followed by Moldovian Wine Festival) |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-08-16 12:50:33] |
Conference to he held in Chisinau, Moldova from October 3 through October 6, 2006 on nutrient reduction and management in the Danube-Black Sea basin. It is being co-sponsored by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Moldova, World Bank, Global Environment Facility (GEF), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and others.
This year the conference will focus on ways and methodologies to measure results of nutrient pollution control activities. Under the GEF-supported Danube River-Black Sea Strategic Partnership Program, pilot projects for nutrient pollution ... [more...]
Posted by Dr. Ivana TEODOROVIC [2006-06-07 16:05:44] |
Position: part - time
Duration: 6 years, unlimited re-election possible
Location: Vienna, Austria
Closing: 30 June, 2006
Allowance: The Board of IAD decides the amount of the stipend for the General Secretary. The annual amount is directly related to the financial position and budgetary balance of the respective year, as dictated by the Board of IAD.
CV and personal statement are to be sent no later than 30 June 2006, preferably via e-mail to:
Dr Ivana Teodorovic
President of IAD
University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Dept. of ... [more...]
Invitation to IAD Bicycle Tour 2006 AT-SK-HU |
FISH OF THE DANUBE - STURGEON ACTION PLAN - Release of Baby Sturgeons at the occasion of the Danube Day 2006 |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-05-31 20:31:58] |
Experience the Danube on a bicycle, glide downstream, share your knowledge with experts, students and an interested public of the Danube region. This year the main topic is related to Danube fish - in particular the reestablishment of the sturgeon in the Upper Danube - and to hydromorphology and its impact on fish populations. |
Be active in Danube region
Large version of poster
Proceedings: The Implementation Process of the EU Water Framework Directive from International, National and Local Perspectives |
Abstracts or support material to IAD supported conference at TU Wien, Jan. 19th and 20th, 2006 |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-05-23 18:49:10] |
Watersheds of the size of the Danube River employ many levels of planning. The Danube is also the largest river in EU territory with 815,000 km² and 18 countries contribute to the Danube River Basin. Thereby the Danube is not only the most international river, but also the most heterogeneous one. Income disparities and standard of life differences are most diverse within the Danube basin and it is difficult to regard the Danube as one entity from the management point of view. What works well in upstream countries does not necessarily work satisfactory in downstream and vice versa. For this ... [more...]
SIL2007 |
Special IAD Session in Montreal? |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-04-18 11:40:50] |
We encourage you to consider current issues of interest and all pertinent topics, and to provide us with a general outline of the session you envisage.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is May 1, 2006.
Poised to be the largest gathering of freshwater scientists on the planet, the 30th SIL Congress aims to be at the forefront of limnological research and development, with special topical sessions on current and challenging issues in both theoretical and applied limnology. We need your involvement to make these sessions a success.
Scientists wishing to propose a Special Session ... [more...]
Waterway Danube - Wasserstrasse Donau |
Riverbed restoration and Danube navigation. Uferrückbau im Spannungsfeld Naturschutz, Wasserbau und Transportwesen. |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-03-17 14:43:01] |
Half a day symposium at Vienna University on April 21st, 2006
For more information or information in English contact Christian Baumgartner from the National Park Donauauen: |
Honda Foundation Seeks New Proposals for 2006 |
"aiming at the harmony of ecology and technology" |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-02-13 15:44:20] |
The Honda Prize has been established, to be awarded annually an individual or an organization, irrespective of nationality, for a distinguished achievement in the field of “eco-technology”. Deadline for proposals: Febr. 26th, 2006 |
An der schönen grauen Donau, 24. 2. 2006, 18.00 - 21.00 |
NATURSCHUTZ IN DER PRAXIS AM BEISPIEL DONAU (Podiumdiskussion zur Donauschiffahrt) |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-02-09 13:51:36] |
„Naturschutz – warum, wo, was, wie?“
Freitag, 24. 2. 2006
18 bis 21 Uhr
Kinosaal des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien
Burgring 7, 1010 Wien
Weltkulturerbe Wachau, Nationalpark Donauauen, Vogelparadies am Flussdelta – gut geschützter Donaustrom!
Oder doch nicht?
Tunnel durch die Lobau, überzogener Ausbau der Fahrwasserrinne im Nationalpark, Staudämme im Donaudelta – findet hier eine scheibchenweise Demontage des Naturschutzes statt? |
REPORT: Water Bodies of Mosoni Danube, Hungary |
Click the link beneath to download the report 8.5 MB, 28 pages |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-01-31 18:58:56] |
E-mail: |
Water Bodies of Mosoni Danube, Hungary |
Research of the hydro-ecological activity of river habitats, English Summary |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-01-31 18:48:39] |
During the 18 months of the Econtact project, our experience has proven that joint actions provide solutions for the EU policy implementation. The introduction of the EU Water Framework Directive and its successful implementation can only be achieved by the coordinated work of the different professional fields.
Contact for indepth information: & |
IAD "50 Years Jubilee" Conference |
36th International Conference: DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE
Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Vienna Klosterneuburg
04. - 08. September 2006 |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2006-01-16 15:23:13] |
e-mail for preliminary registration:
Languages: English (preferred!), Deutsch |