Danube News 18 |
The latest edition of Danube News has been published. |
Posted by [2008-12-19 16:19:16] |
The latest edition of Danube News has been published. |

Danube News 18
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2009 |
Posted by [2008-12-18 10:18:00] |
We want to thank all friends and members of the International Association for Danube Research for their initiative and support to develop our scientific cooperation network with their work in the expert groups, to realize our 37th conference and other activities in the last year and look forward to a healthy and prosperous New Year 2009! |

IAD observes the implementation of the joint statement on environment and navigation |
Scientific standards in Environmental Impact Assessments for projects on the improvement of navigation on the Danube |
Posted by [2008-12-18 09:56:55] |
Economic development includes navigation as a sustainable way of transport. The needs of improvement along the Danube can be summarized in the two parameters of 2,5 m depth and 180 m width of the fairway. The ecological preconditions still need to be defined to guarantee that on one hand the European standards and legislations are fulfilled, but even more important to avoid dramatic consequences on biodiversity and climate.
In this frame IAD delegations consequently take part in the ICPDR expert group on the joint statement on environment and navigation, and the workshops and negociations ... [more...]

Natural banks still characterize many parts of the Danube
Looking back to 37th IAD conference in Chishinau |
The first IAD conference in Moldova 29.10. - 2.11. |
Posted by [2008-12-18 09:31:48] |
For the first time a conference of the International Association for Danube Research took place in the Republic of Moldova. The 37th conference "The Danube River Basin in a changing world" was held between 29 October and 2 November 2008 in Chishinau, capital of the Republic of Moldova. Our host was the ULIM, Free University of Moldova. In a close cooperation of the national representative of IAD in Moldova, Dumitru Drumea, the general secretariat and the two national IAD committees in Serbia and Romania shared the preparation works.
It was a pleasure to see initative students presenting ... [more...]

Award for the best poster presentation for Ion Pacesila
Danube Day 2008 |
Romanian Danube Ambassadors in Austria |
Posted by [2008-12-18 09:14:12] |
The IAD contribution to Danube Day 2008 was organized in a local event in Austria. Emilia Radu and Cristina Alina Coman from the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy of Science visited the IAD head office in Austria and introduced the importance of Danubian biodiversity to children during a summer school event in Wilhering. The children were curious to research flora and fauna and get a practical perspective of the dimension of Danube River Basin. |

Children along the Danube investigating fauna and flora
IAD at OSCE conference Odessa |
International expert conference on safety of navigation and environment in the Black Sea region 24 - 26 June 2008 |
Posted by [2008-07-01 13:02:11] |
Some 150 representatives from the area between Romania and Turkmenistan met in Odessa on invitation of the Finish Chairmanship of OSCE and the Ukrainian Transport Ministry. The topics of discussion led from ballast water, waste and pollution management to sustainable development and public participation as tools for future development.
The main role of Environmental Impact Assessments for the solution of conflictuous projects was clearly pointed out. IAD had two presentations (Kutzenberger/Sandu) in working group VIII: river basin wide cooperation towards ensuring environmental security on ... [more...]

Odessa conference June 2008
IAD EG Sustainable Development and Public Participation (SDPP) |
1st Workshop was held in Sibiu/Hermannstadt, Romania on 19.-20. March 2008 |
Posted by [2008-04-06 19:12:11] |
At the 5th Joint Board & Expert Group Leader Meeting of IAD in Novi Sad in October 2007 the board welcomed the initiative of IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger set up a new IAD expert group on Sustainable Development and Public Participation. Main aims will be cooperations and exchange of experience to reach an active role in the dynamic process of development and to integrate holistic strategies on infrastructure planning and management of riverine landscapes. On invitation of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu the participants from six countries prepared a Strategy Paper and concept for Pilot ... [more...]

1st workshop of IAD EG Sustainable Development & Public Participation Sibiu
The second Joint Danube Survey (JDS2) |
Posted by [2008-03-25 15:28:54] |
The Joint Danube Survey 2 (JDS2) was launched on August 14, 2007 from Regensburg, Germany. The basic purpose of the mission was to produce homogenous, highly comparable and reliable information on water quality and pollution for the entire Danube River and many of its tributaries. The Secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) coordinated the implementation of JDS2.
Similar to the first survey, JDS 2 had several specific objectives:
· To produce a homogenous data set for the Danube River based on a single sampling procedure and laboratory ... [more...]

Theodoxus transversalis was an abundant species earlier but a very rare snail in the Dabube at present
Recolonization experiments of Palingenia mayfly in the Lippe and Odera Rivers in Germany |
Posted by [2008-03-25 15:00:10] |
Between the Chair of Zoology of the College in Eger/Hungary and the Institute of Zoology of the University of Bonn/Germany an arrangement was closed in 2005 for a scientific collaboration. The purpose of this collaboration was the resettlement of the Palingenia longicauda mayfly in some running waters of Germany.
The role of the Palingenia mayfly in running waters is very important. The larvae use the materials of the bottom by bioturbation. They are also important members of food-web in running waters.
Earlier Palingenia longicauda was a characteristic benthic species of middle and lower ... [more...]

Palingenia longicauda mayflay (adult)
http://More information can be found in the homepage: www.thomas.tittizer.de
Recolonization experiments of Palingenia mayfly.doc