Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year 2008 |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-12-23 14:27:01] |
I want to thank all friends and members of the IAD for their cooperation and enthusiasm in our Danube wide network! Best wishes for a healthy and successful New Year 2008! |
Posted by Dr. Ivana TEODOROVIC [2007-12-06 22:51:21] |
In accordance with the plan of activities of the project REP-LECOTOX "Reinforcement of research potential of the Laboratory for Ecotoxicology "INCO-CT-2006-043559-REP-LECOTOX, we are pleased to announce that the REP-LECOTOX 1st Workshop on Ecotoxicogenomics will be held from 15 to 18 June, 2008, at the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology, Novi Sad, Serbia.
The objectives of the Workshop are to bring together experts in the field of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics and get comprehensive insight about the ... [more...]
Two new IAD expert groups |
EG Geology/Sedimentology & EG Sustainable Development and Public Participation |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-10-16 12:24:32] |
The 5th joint Meeting of the IAD-Board and Expert Group Leaders welcomed two new expert groups in IAD. Starting from Romania EG Geology/Sedimentology will be a new research focus, which needs uch more attention than today as the planned improvements for navigation could cause severe changes in the riverbed and its dynamics (contact GeoEcoMar, leader will be nominated until spring, questions concerning this EG please to the Country representative Marian Traian Gomoiu: )
The second new initiative EG Sustainable Development and Public Participation" supports the step from the river ... [more...]
IAD contributions to Danube Day VI - Museum of Modern Art Linz, Austria |
On Danube Day 29 June 2007 IAD started a cooperation with Lentos- Museum of Modern Art Linz to raise awareness on the Danube River Basin |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-07-01 17:51:39] |
Every visitor of the Museum Lentos got a postcard and a sticker of Danube Day with basic information on the activities along the River and main challenges of the future. |
Students at Museum Lentos
IAD contributions to Danube Day V - international workshop Bucharest 27 June 2007 |
Welcome to ENVIRES IAD Romania, the national comittee of the International Association for Danube Research in Romania |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-07-01 17:46:24] |
In an international workshop in Bucharest "Danube: Cultures and Worlds" ENVIRES IAD Romania was introduced to the scientific community. The former president of IAD, Dr. Juerg Bloesch and IAD General Secretary Dr. Harald Kutzenberger congratulated ENVIRES president prof Dr. Marian-Traian Gomoiu, also IAD country representative of Romania, and vice-president Dr. Cristina Sandu, Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, on their initiative.
With introducing refers from Prof Dr. Angheluta Vadineanu, president of Romanian Ecological Society (anthropogenic impact along Danube River), Dr. ... [more...]
international workshop in cooperation with Romanian Academy, Institute of Biology
IAD contributions to Danube Day IV - IAD Romania event on Lacul Morii 27 June 2007 |
For the first time IAD Romania celebrated Danube Day with an individual event |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-29 09:52:41] |
Initiator of ENVIRES IAD Romania, vice president Cristina Sandu, organised an Danube Day event to show ways of interesting public for the importance of water ecology and the richness of biodiversity. This event stands in connection to a scientific workshop in cooperation with the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy, where Dr. Cristina Sandu leads the Department of Aquatic Biology.
Although the temperatures were very hot, interested children used the possiblity to learn about the beauty and richness of our nature.
Dr Cristina Sandu, ENVIRES IAD Romania, explains aquatic biodiversity to visitors at Lacul Morii, Bucharest
IAD contributions to Danube Day III - Bicycle Tour Event on Donauinsel 22 June 2007 |
Outdoor lecture on macrophytes by Georg Janauer and implementation of Vienna Species and Biotope Protection Program "Network Nature" by Harald Kutzenberger |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-29 09:35:10] |
As a second step of the IAD and K�r�t Bicycle Tour on 22 June 2007 two aspects of the richness of Danube Basin were presented. The leader of IAD expert group "macrophytes" and president of IAD-Austrian National Comittee, Georg Janauer gave an overview on the history and concept of Vienna Danube Island and the biodiversity of macrophytes. As being project leader of the Vienna Species and Biotope Protection Program, IAD-General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger led a field trip to implementation projects to reestablish small wetlands on Donauinsel to protect especially the semiaquatic fauna and ... [more...]
IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger presented wetlands on Donauinsel
IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger presented wetlands on Donauinsel
IAD contributions to Danube Day II - Bicycle Tour Krems 21 June 2007 |
In cooperation with Keret Organisation Gy�r the International Association for Danube Research organised a start event in Krems |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-29 09:08:57] |
At the ship berth in Krems with the beautiful frame of Wachau Valley as an UNESCO site of natural heritage the participants met to on 21 June 2007 to start this year�s Danube Day Bicycle Tour to Gy�r.
On behalf of the IAD GS Harald Kutzenberger welcomed �d�m Kobrisza from K�r�t Organistion in Krems. Mr Hardegger as representative of the City of Krems and Mr Strasser, the former head of the Krems Fire department, gave an impressive presentation of the mobile flodd prtection system of Krems, which belongs to the most effective in the world and even endured the flood in August 2002. |
The Krems Fire Department presents the mobile flood protections system
Umsetzung der EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Verwaltung und Planung |
Der Umsetzungsprozess der EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Diplomarbeit TU Wien, Fakult�t f�r Raumplanung und Architektur |
Posted by Dr. Meinhard BREILING [2007-06-14 12:07:34] |
Wie entstand die EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie? Welche Ziele verfolgt sie? Wie steht es um die Umsetzung? Die Diplomarbeit basiert auf Interviews von "stakeholders" und "decision makers" und Involvierten in �ffentlicher Verwaltung sowie Planungsb�ros, die sich mit der Umsetzung besch�ftigen.
e-mail: |
Alte Donau
IAD contributions to Danube Day I - "Donau in Flammen" Wilhering 8 June 2007 |
IAD presents the importance of to municipalities of Upper Austria and Bavaria in the frame of tourist cooperation |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-09 18:33:31] |
Implementation of scientific approaches to local level needs a lot of activities and must take place where stakeholders meet. "Donau in Flammen" is a main touristic event at the river Danube with some thousand participants from big parts of Upper Dannube Municipalities. Several local Mayors of cities and villages along River Danube had their first contact to the idea of "Danube Day" at this event. IAD-General Secretary Harald Kutzenberger presented IAD and Danube Day to interested stakeholders, mayors and leading officials of municipalities. |
IAD celebrates Danube Day - 29 June 2007 |
Danube Cultures - a Danubian Identity to solve Danubian questions |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-06 13:14:47] |
This year�s slogan for Danube Day is "Danube Cultures": raising awareness on the cultural richness of our region and the importance of a common Danube identity to solve the question of future development.
The contributions of the International Association for Danube Research follow this aspect to raise consciousness on the connectivity within the catchment.
8 June 2007 5 p.m. "Donau in Flammen" Wilhering/Austria
21 June 2007 10 a.m. Krems/Austria "Start of Danube Bicycle Tour Krems - Gy�r" cooperation with Keret-Organisation NGO Hungary
22 June 2007 10 a.m. Vienna/Austria ... [more...]
Celebrating Danube Cultures - developing responsibility for our common catchment!
Preinformation International Conference Sibiu "Aquatic Biodiversity" 04 -07 October 2007 |
Deadline for first registration 15 June 2007
Deadline for abstract submission 30 June 2007
Deadline for participation payment 15 July 2007 |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-06-06 09:04:09] |
Organized by:
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Brukenthal Museum Sibiu
Vasile Goldis University Arad
University of Bacau
NGO Ecotur Sibiu
With collaboration of:
Eberhard Karls University of T�bingen
Under the care of:
International Association for Danube Research
Romanian Academy - Oceanology and Limnology Commission
Romanian Limnology Society
Romanian Ichtiology Society
Romanian Malacology Society
The conference will aim to communicate recent advances in the aquatic biodiversity assessment, monitoring, conservation and management, aquatic habitats - biodiversity ... [more...]
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
"Wasser 2007" Annual Conference of the "Water Chemical Society" Passau |
14. - 16. May 2007 Passau, Germany |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-04-16 13:52:50] |
The Water Chemical Society organises the annual conference 2007 in Passau with a main focus on the Danube River System. The International Association for Danube Research (IAD) and the International Commission for the Protection of River Danube (ICPDR) will be represented on the first day.
For detailed information please visit the homepage of the "Water Chemical Society"
IAD Library online! |
The library of the International Association for Danube Research is part of the Vienna university library and can be visited online: www.univie.ac.at/fb-biologie |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-04-16 11:33:40] |
At present 519 titles are included in the IAD library. Vienna specialist library for biology. To browse the titles and check if a book is available please follow these instructions:
choose: "Online-Kataloge"
choose: "OPAK gesamte Universit�tsbibliothek 1989 ff."
Schnellsuche: enter "IAD" and the titles will be browsed.
IAD key project Mures |
Hydromorphological mapping in Mures area starts tis years in cooperation with Excelsior and Fluvius as partners. |
Posted by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald Kutzenberger [2007-03-21 10:42:34] |
The Mures area in western Romania shows a high diversity of hydromorphological structures and can be model for the total Danube river basin. The hydromorphological mapping of Mures river 2007 sets a next step after the Pilot project in 2004 and the literature study 2005-2006.
Main partners to provide the scientific approach are Excelsior and Fluvius.