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Part A: Publications

Until 1990 the main publication organ of the IAD was the "Archiv für Hydrobiologie", with the supplement series "Donauforschung". It was then replaced by the publication series "Large Rivers".

Following volumes have already appeared:


Vol. 11, No. 1

  1. WACHS, B. (1996): In momoriam Reinhard Liepolt 1-2
  2. RECKENDORFER, W., H. KECKEIS, G. WINKLER & F. SCHIEMER (1996): Water level fluctuations as a major determinant of chironomid community structure in the inshore zone of a large temperate river 3-9
  3. TOCKNER, K. & G. BRETSCHKO (1990): Spatial distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) and benthic invertebrates in a river-floodplain transect (Danube, Austria): importance of hydrological connevtivity. With 5 figures and 6 tables in the text 11-27
  4. WINTERSBERGER, H. (1996): Spatial resource utilization and species assemblages of larval and juvenile fishes. With 9 figures and 4 tables in the text 29-44
  5. CHWALA, E. & J. WARINGER (1996). Association patterns and habitat selection of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) at different types of Danubian backwaters at Vienna, Austria. With 6 figures and 4 tables in the text 45-60
  6. PERISIC, M.P., A.N. MIHAJLIV & V.M. TUTUNDZIC (1996): Water quality changes in the Yugoslav part of the Danube river. With 9 figures and 2 tables in the text 61-73

Vol. 11, No. 2

  1. RIEDLER, P. & M. SCHAGERL (1998): Pelagic primary production and related parameters in the River Danube near Vienna (Austria). With 7 figures and 2 tables 139-151
  2. SCHAGERL, M. & K. DONABAUM (1998): Epilithic algal communities on natural and artificial substrata in the River Danube near Vienna (Austria). With 5 figures and 2 tables 153-165
  3. STOYNEVA, M.P. (1998): Spring-phytoplankton of the River Danube in the year 1990. With 8 figures and 3 tables 167-194
  4. BRETSCHKO, G. & B. SCHÖNBAUER (1998): Quantitative sampling of the benthic fauna in a large, fast flowing river (Austrian Danube). With 1 figure and 12 tables 195-211
  5. PEHOFER, H.E. (1998): A new quantitative air-lift sampler for collecting invertebrates designed for operation in deep, fast flowing gravelbed rivers. With 5 figures and 3 tables 213-232

Vol. 11, No. 3

  1. BLOESCH, J. (1999): Large river ecosystems: Concepts and biodiversity, with special emphasis on the Danube and the International Association for Danube Research (IAD) 235-237
  2. BLOESCH, J. (1999): The International Association for Danube Research (IAD): its future role in Danube research. (With 4 figures and 1 table) 239-259
  3. TOCKNER, K. & J. WARD (1999): Biodiversity along riparian corridors. (With 6 figures and 1 table) 293-310
  4. SCHMUTZ, S. & M. JUNGWIRTH (1999): Fish as indicators of large river connectivity: the Danube and its tributaries. (With 7 figures) 329-348
  5. FESL, C., U.H. HUMPESCH & A. ASCHAUER (1999): The relationship between habitat structure and biodiversity of the macrozoobenthos in the free flowing section of the Danube in Austria - east of Vienna (preliminary results). With 9 figures, 6 tables and 3 appendices) 349-374
  6. SCH�NBAUER, B. (1999): Spatio-temporal patterns of macrobenthis invertebrates in a free flowing section of the River Danube in Austria. (With 5 figures and 7 tables) 375-397
  7. JANAUER, G.A. (1999): Macrophytes of the River Danube: a diversity study of the Austrian stretch. (With 2 figures and 4 tables) 399-412
  8. BRETSCHKO, G. (1999): The lotic fauna in water-logged sediments beyond the waterline in the canalized Danube. (With 4 figures and 1 table) 413-421
  9. SCHIEMER, F. (1999): Conservation of biodiversity in floodplain rivers. (With 6 figures) 423-438
  10. HEIN, T., C. BARANYI, G. HEILER, C. HOLAREK, P. RIEDLER & F. SCHIEMER (1999): Hydrology as a major factor determining plankton development in two floodplain segments and the River Danube, Austria. (With 7 figures and 3 tables) 439-452

Vol. 12, No. 1

  1. SUTCLIFFE, D. (2000): Managing the New Danube in Vienna (Austria): the importance of plant nutrients and aquatic macrophytes. General Summary 1-2
  2. HUMPESCH, U.H., W. SCHIEL, H. WEILGUNI & A. DUJMIC (2000): The New Danube in Vienna (Austria): a flood-relief channel, surrounding wetlands and associated problems for management. (With 3 figures and 1 table) 3-12
  3. WEILGUNI, H., U.H. HUMPESCH & G.G. KAVKA (2000): Long-term trends of major plant nutrients in the River Danube at Vienna (Austria), the nutrient source for the New Danube. (With 1 figure and 2 tables) 13-21
  4. KREUZINGER, N. & N. MATSCH� (2000): Danube Island - an aquifer for nutrient and water quality transfer into the New Danube (Vienna, Austria). (With 7 figures and 1 table) 23-37
  5. DOKULIL, M.T. & K. TEUBNER (2000): Effects of reduced load in the River Danube on nutrients and phytoplankton dynamics in the flood-relief channel New Danube (Vienna, Austria). (With 11 figures) 39-59
  6. JANAUER, G.A. & U. WYCHERA (2000): Biodiversity, succession and the functional role of macrophytes in the New Danube (Vienna, Austria). ( With 9 figures and 2 tables) 61-74
  7. DOKULIL, M.T. & G.A. JANAUER (2000): Alternative stable states of macrophytes versus phytoplankton in two interconnected impoundments of the New Danube (Vienna, Austria). (With 3 figures) 75-83
  8. WEILGUNI, H. (2000): Long-term processes and regulation in the flood-relief channel New Danube in Vienna (Austria) - current position and proposals for management control strategies. (With 9 figures and 3 tables) 85-103

In 1967 "Limnologie der Donau" and in 1986 the "Bibliographie der Donau" were published.

LIEPOLT, R. (1966/67): Limnologie der Donau. Eine monographische Darstellung im Auftrage der IAD. E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung (N�gele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart, Lieferungen 1-4, 648 pp.

GODEANU, S. & POPESCU-MARINESCU, V. (Hrsg.) (1986). Limnologie der Donau (Bibliographie), Band II, IAD.

In the book series "Ergebnisse der Donau-Forschung" (Results of Danube Research) four volumes have already appeared since 1990:

IAD (Hrsg.) (1990): Ergebnisse der Internationalen Donauexpedition 1988. Ergebnisse der Donau-Forschung, Vol. 1, IAD.

WEBER, E. (1993): Wasserbeschaffenheit der Donau von Passau bis zu ihrer M�ndung. Ergebnisse der Donau-Forschung, Vol. 2, IAD.

SCHMID, R. (1994): Limnologie und Gew�sserg�tezustand der bayerischen Donau und ihrer wichtigsten Zubringer. Donaubasisuntersuchung 1985-1992. Ergebnisse der Donau-Forschung, Vol. 3, IAD.

KUSEL-FETZMANN, E., NAIDENOW, W. & RUSSEV, B: (1998). Plankton und Benthos der Donau. Ergebnisse der Donau-Forschung, Vol. 4, IAD.

The papers and posters presented at the annual IAD conferences are published in the series "Limnologische Berichte Donau" (Limnological Reports)

IAD (1997): Effects of flow velocity on the biocenoses of the River Danube. Limnological Reports. Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the IAD, 1-6 sept. 1997, Vienna/A.


  1. WACHS, B.: Geoakkumulation von Schwermetallen in den Donauzufl�ssen Naab und Regen 11
  2. POSTOLACHE, C., V. IORDACHE, A. VADINEANU, G. IGNAT, S. CRISTOFOR, NEAGOE & F. BODESCU: Effects of hydrological conditions on the dynamic of nutrients in the Lower Danube floodplain 15
  3. OERTEL, N.: Active biomonitoring with zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha): a tool for the control of the heavy metals in the river Danube 19
  4. SYTNIK, J.M. & N.J. JEWTUSCHENKO: Die Schwermetalle in Fischen des Sasyk- Stausees 25
  5. PETROVIC, G.: Schwermetallgehalt der Sedimente aus der Save 29
  6. VAJAGIC, L., M. KRISTOFORIC-ILIC, D. BOTIC & Z. JOVANOVIC: Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften des Donauwassers bei den Orten Backa Palanka - Sremski Karlovci, Jugoslawien, im Zeitraum 1994 - 1996 33
  7. GARKAVAYA, G.P., Y.I. BOGATOVA & Z.T. BULANAYA: Dynamics of nutrient substances in the Kiliya Delta of the Danube in conditions of reduced and regulated runoff 37
  8. BUZAROV, D., M. VOJINOVIC-MILORADOV, B. SKRBIC & M. MILORADOV: Determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyl residues in the Danube River (Novi Sad) 43
  9. MAKSIMOVIC, M., M. VOJINOVIC-MILORADOV, M. MATAVULJ, B. MIHAJLOVIC & D. BUZAROV: Biodegradation of polichlorobiphenyls (PCB) by microfungi in the water Danube 47


  1. LITZKE, J. & K. H�BEL: Langzeiteinfluss des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl auf Gew�sser im bayerischen Donaueinzugsgebiet 53
  2. KLENUS, V.G., Y.M. SYTNIK, A.E. KAGLYAN & Z.O. SHIROKAYA: Strontium-90 and Cesium-134+137 content in the Danube abiotic components 57
  3. KLENUS, W.G., J.M. SYTNIK, Z.O. SHIROKAYA, M.I. KUZMENKO, L.M. IWANOVA, T.E. ORLOVA & A.W. STEPANOW: Die dreij�hrigen monatlichen Messungen der Strontium-90 und Z�sium-137-Konzentrationen im Wasser des ukrainischen Donauabschnitts (1980 - 1983) 61
  4. SYTNIK, J.M. Strontium-90 und Z�sium-137 in den Bodenablagerungen des unkrainischen Donauabschnitts 67


  1. M�LLER, D., V. KIRCHESCH & A. SCH�L: Flie�geschwindigkeit und Stoffhaushalt von Flie�gew�ssern - grunds�tzliche Zusammenh�nge 73
  2. EIDNER, R., M. HILDEN & G. STEINEBACH: Der Einfluss von Stillwasserzonen auf den Stofftransport am Beispiel der Elbe 79
  3. EIDNER, R. & V. KIRchesch: Methodische Aspekte flie�zeitkonformer Gew�sser- g�teuntersuchungen 85
  4. WACHTER, K.J.: Donauhochwasser in �sterreich / Entstehung und Ablauf 91


  1. POGANY, C. & K.E. SAUER: Das Vorkommen von atypischen Mykobakterien in der Donau 97
  2. PETROVIC, O., D. RADNOVIC, T. GALONJA, M. MATAVULJ & B. STANIC: Myxobakterien und andere mikrobiologische Indikatoren der Donau- wasserg�te bei der Stadt Novi Sad 101
  3. SAUER, K.E. & C. POGANY: Atypische Mykobakterien in der Neuen Donau 105
  4. KRISTOFOROVIC-ILIC, M., S. STANOJEVIC & L. VAJAGIC: Bakterienqualit�t von Donauwasser bei den verschiedenen Wasserst�nden 109
  5. LAZIC, L. Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen des Flusswasers von V. Morawa 113
  6. NICOLESCU, D., D. IONICA & A. SIMON-GUITA: Mikrobieller Sauerstoffverbrauch im See Rosu (Donaudelta) im Lichte der hydrobiologischen Ver�nderungen im Abschnitt der Jahre 1977 - 1995 117
  7. BRUGGER, A.V., T.J. BATTIN, I.E. KOLAR & G.J. HERNDL: Sediment biofilm dynamics in the River Danube 121
  8. GRIEBLER, C. & D. SLEZAK: Dimethylsulfoxid (DMSO) Reduktion. Ein neues Ver- fahren um die mikrobielle Aktivit�t in aquatischen Systemen zu bestimmen 123
  9. GRIEBLER, C., N. WIRTH & B. MINDL: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Bestimmung der bakteriellen Abundanz in Bach- und Flusssedimenten. Methodenvergleich und Effizienzbestimmung 127


  1. B�RGI, H.R. & U. UEHLINGER: Die Algenbioz�nose eines Gletscherbachs im Einzugsgebiet der Donau 133
  2. SCHMIDT, A.: Algenmassenproduktion unter der Eisdecke in einigen Seiten- und Altarmen der Donau 137
  3. MIHALJEVIC, M.: Das Phytoplankton als Indikator des Trophiezustands in der Akkumulation Borovik 141
  4. HORVATIC, J., Z. POPOVIC & E. PLASCAK: Der Einfluss von Abw�ssern auf die Entwicklung des Phytoplanktons im Fluss Drau bei Osijek 145
  5. BRANKOVIC, D., L. BUDAKOV & N. SEKULIC: Phytoplankton und seine Vertretung in der Ern�hrung einiger Fischarten in dem Regionalpark "Oberes Donaugebiet" 149
  6. KISS, K.T.: The main results of phytoplankton studies on the river Danube and its side arm system at the Szigetk�z area during the ninties (Hungary) 153
  7. BARRETO, S., �. �CS, J. MAKK & B. B�DDI: Preliminary algological investigations in Soroks�r-arm of the River Danube 159
  8. BRKOVIC-POPOVIC, I., V. MITROVIC-TUTUNDZIC, M. POPOVIC, D. VULIC, V. OBRADOVIC & M. DAMJANOVIC: Primary production of phytoplankton and zooplankton of the Sava Reservoir 163
  9. RATAJAC, R., D. RAJKOVIC, S. STOJKOVIC, Z. SVIRCEV & M. BOBIC: Biodiversit�t des gesch�tzten �kosystems Obedska Bara im Zuflussgebiet der Sava 167
  10. OBUSKOVIC, L. & A. MARJANOVIC: Wirkungen der verringerten Verschmutzung auf das Phytoplankton der Donau bei Belgrad 171
  11. KALCHEV, R.K. & A.V. KUREJSCHEVIC: Beziehungen der Str�mung zu den Pigmenten und Prim�rproduktion des Planktons in der Unteren Donau (Bulgarien und Ukraine) 175
  12. ALEXANDROV, B.G., G.P. GARKAVAYA, S.E. DYATLOV, A.I. IVANOV, G.G. MINICHEVA & L.N. POLISHCHUK: The influence of water flow on the State of the Ecosystem of Stentsovskie-Zhebrianskie marshes in the Danube Delta 179
  13. KUZKO, O.A.: Phytoplankton of lower Dnister River in the period of ecological water relazing 185
  14. GALONJA, T., Z. SVIRCEV, S. GAJIN & V. TRIVUNOVIC: The bioeffects of ELF-EMF on phyto- and zooplankton from the Danube 187
  15. KARPEZO, Y.I. & O.A. DAVYGOV: An influence of a water current on a benthal algocenoses formation in the Danube 191
  16. PAUNOVIC, M., V. KALAFATIC, D. JAKOVCEV & V. MARTINOVIC-VITANOVIC: Periphyton and benthos of the Vlasina River 193
  17. MAKK, J. & �. �CS: Investication of epilithic biofilms in the River Danube 199


  1. MINICHEVA, G.G.: the relationship of structural-functional organisation of ecosystems of submerged vegetation to the water velocity in the Danube wetland ecosystem 205
  2. M�LLNER, A.N., A. SCHILD & G. KUM: Makrophytenvegetation der Regelsbrunner Au. Beweissicherung im Rahmen der Gew�sservernetzung Regelsbrunn 207
  3. FEDOROWSKI, A.D., T.N. DJATCHENKO & L.A. SIRENKO: Use of the remote control for revealing sites of Danube with various speed of water stream on the basis of phytoindication 211
  4. VUCKOVIC, M., S. STOJANOVIC, B. BUTURAC, S. RADULOVIC & D. LAZIC: Die Naturwerte der Flora in anthropogenen Wasser�kosystemen des Hydro- systems Donau-Theiss-Donau 215
  5. STOJANOVIC, S., M. VUCKOVIC, M. ZDERIC, Z. STANKOVIC & P. KILIBARDA: Die Darstellung der rezenten Flora in Magistralkan�len des Hydrosystems Donau-Theiss-Donau 219
  6. R�TH, B.: Verbreitung von aquatischen Makrophytenbest�nden im Flussbett des fr�heren Hauptarmes der Donau (Szigetk�z, Strom-km 1826 - 1843) 227
  7. CRISTOFOR, S., A. SARBU, A. VADINEANU, G. IGNAT, V. IORDACHE, C. POSTOLACHE, C. DINU & C. CUIBUC: Effects of hydrological regimes on riparian vegetation in the Lower Danube floodplain 233
  8. SARBU, A., S. CRISTOFOR & A. VEDINEANU: Effects of hydrological regime on submerged macrophytes in the Lower Danube floodplain and delta 237
  9. K�LDI-FEH�R, G. & A. SCHMIDT: Neuer Adventivwasserfarn in einem Seitenarm der Donau: Azolla filiculoides LAM 241
  10. TAT�R, D.: Die Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzen des Gemencer Augebietes 245
  11. HONG, S.H., Y.O. LEE, H.W. KIM & T.S. AHN: Succession and diversity of attached bacteria on cellulose film and leaf of Potamogeton crispus L. in Lake Moonchon, Korea 251


  1. PFISTER, G.: Die saisonale Entwicklung der Ciliatengemeinschaft eines eutrophen Stadtgew�ssers - Alte Donau in Wien (�sterreich) 261
  2. GULY�S, P. Untersuchungen des Rotaroria- und Crustacea-Planktons an der Donaustrecke unterhalb Budapest sowie im Donauraum R�ckevei-Soroks�ri Duna (RSD) 265
  3. BOTH�R, A. Effect of the Gabcikovo-barrage system on the crustacean communities in the Szigetk�z-region (1848 - 1810 river km) 271
  4. TEODORESCU, L. & V. ZINEVICI: Das Zooplankton im Donauwasser beim Eintritt in das Delta und an der M�ndung ins Schwarze Meer 277


  1. WACHS, B.: Qualitative Quantifizierung der organischen Drift eines alpinen Flusses im Donaueinzugsgebiet 283
  2. DJUKIC, N., S. MALETIN, B. MILJANOVIC & A. IVANC: Oligochaete communities in the bank region of the Danube river and its wetlands nearby Novi Sad 289
  3. BUL�NKOV�, E. & J. HALGOS: The Influence of flowing water on the occurrence of dragonflies and blackflies in the Danube and the Morava river basin 293
  4. HABDIJA, I., I. RADANOVIC, B. PRIMC-HABDIJA & M. SPOLJAR: Functional organization of macroinvertebrate benthic community on the gravel substrate in the River Sava 287
  5. KHARCHENCO, T.A., A.V. LYASHENKO & E.E. ZORINA: Macrozoobenthos of the lower reaches of the Danube under the conditions of diverse velocity regime of the river 301
  6. POPESCU-MARINESCU, V.: Entwicklung der Populationen von Hypania invalida (Polychaeta, Ampharertidae) in Abh�ngigkeit von Umeltfaktoren aus dem rum�nischen Abschnitt der Donau 305
  7. SILAYEVA, A.A.: A stream velocity influence on a macrozoobenthos development in the Kilian elta of the Danube 309
  8. ETINGOVA, A.A.: The phytophyllous invertebrates of Danubian Kilian delta in connection with the influence of various water flow speed 313
  9. BERECZKY, M.C. & J.N. NOSEK: Study on benthic ciliates from the abandoned main channel of the River Danube between rkms 1846 - 1812 317
  10. WEIGELHOFER, G. & J.A. WARINGER: Debris dams: Hydraulic refugia for the biocoenosis of a low order sandstone stream (Weidlingbach, Austria)? 323
  11. BACHER, I. & J.A. WARINGER: Hydraulic microdestribution of cased caddis larvae in an Austrian mountain brook 327
  12. TOCKNER, K. & J.A. WARINGER: Measuring drift during a receding flood: results from an Austrian mountain brook (Ritrodat - Lunz) 329
  13. WARINGER, J.A., N. BAUMGARTNER, F. DIETRICH, U. EISENDLE, B. M�BES-HANSEN, M. PRENNER, G. WEIGELHOFER & K. WIESINGER: The Weidlingbach - a focus of stream ecology near Vienna (Austria) 331
  14. M�BES-HANSEN, B.: The influence of hydraulic stress on the microdistribution of macroinvertebrates in a first to fourth order brook (Weidlingbach) 333
  15. PRENNER, M.: Community structure of chironomids (Diptera) in the Weidlingbach related to floods 335
  16. DIETRICH, F.: The influence of hydraulic stress and substrate on distribution patterns of Elmidae and Hydraenidae (Coleoptera) in the Weidlingbach (Lower Austria) 337
  17. BAUMGARTNER, N.: Analysis of habitat structure in larval fire salamanders (Weidlingbach, Austria) 339


  1. PEHLIVANOV, L.Z. & M. PAVLOVA: Zur Ern�hrung der fr�hen Entwicklungs- stadien der Fische in Beziehung mit ihren Wanderungen entlang der Donaustr�mung 343
  2. GUTI, G.: Die �nderungen des Fischbestandes der kleinen Sch�ttinsel 347
  3. MALETIN, S., N. DJUKIC, B. MILJANOVIC, A. IVANC & V. PUJIN: Composition of fish communities in the Danube river and its floodplain nearby Novi Sad 353
  4. BUDAKOV, L, N. SEKULIC & D. BRANKOVIC: Die Rolle des �berschwemmungs- gebietes von Apatin in der Biodiversit�t der Fische in der Donau 359
  5. KOSTIC, D., N. SEKULIC, E. POPOVIC & M. CIRKOVIC: Variierungen taxonomischer Merkmale von Carassius auratus Gibelio Bloch, 1783 im "Dubavacki Rit" 363
  6. . FISTER, S., P. CAKIC & M. DJORDJEVIC: Frequency of gap and break type changes on the chromosomes of the fish species Esox lucius (Esocidae) caught at some localities on the Danube and Sava 367
  7. BACALBASA-DOBRovici, N.: Auswirkungen der Flie�geschwindigkeit auf die Fischbioz�nosen der Mittleren und Unteren Donau im Abschnitt der Flusskilometer 252 - 1074 der rum�nischen Zone 373
  8. IVANC, A., S. MALETIN, N. DJUCIK & B. MILJANOVIC: Maematology of fish species inhabiting running and stagnant waters in the Danube river system 377
  9. CAKIC, P. & S. FISTER: Triaenophorus meridionalis (Cestoda), a new ichthyoparasite species in the fauna of Yugoslavia 381
  10. TKACHENKO, V.A.: The dynamics of young fishes dristribution in the Lower Danube (from Prut river mouth to the sea) 387
  11. KOSTADINOVIC, L. F. GA�LF & S. PAVKOV: Determination of the heavy metal content in fish and hydrosediment using voltametric methods 391


  1. KALAFATIC, V., V. MARTINOVIC-VITANOVIC & M. TANASKOVIC: Saprobiological water quality investigations of the Sava River in Belgrade region during 1996 397
  2. ARAMBASIC, M.B. & P. CAKIC: Methodologische Probleme der Ausrechnung von Saprobienindices der Lokalit�t (S): vergleichende Darstellung unter- schiedlicher Saprobienklassifikationen am Beisiel der indikatorischen Molluskenarten 403
  3. MARTINOVIC-VITANOVIC, V., V. KALAFATIC, M. TANASKOVIC & L. ADJANSKI-SPASIC: Saprobiological water quality investigations of the Danube in Belgrade region during 1996 409
  4. SAAVIC, R., A. BELIC & S. BELIC: Water quality of the Danube through the Vojvodina province in view of the irrigation needs 415
  5. KRIZAN, J.: The influence of tributaries on the Yugoslavian part of the Danube and its water quality 419
  6. DYUKICY, D., M. MATAVULY, G. MARKOVICY, L. MANDICY, S. SIMOVICY & I. YURISHICY: Saprobiological analysis of the river Zapadna Morava water quality 423
  7. LYASHENKO, A.V. & T.A. KHARCHENKO: Saprobiological indication by Macrozoobenthos of the Ukrainian part of the Danube in the connection with changes in the velocity of river flow 427


  1. WACHS, B.: Biokonzentration und -akkumulation von Schwermetallen in den Donauzufl�ssen Naab und Regen 433
  2. DYATLOV, S.Y.: Ecological and toxicological situation in near Danube lakes Yalpug and Kugurluy in connection with speed of water supply from Danube through hydraulic engineering structures 439


  1. POSPISIL, P.: Die Besiedlungsdichte der Cyclopiden (Crustacea, Copepoda) in einem uferfernen Grundwasserk�rper im Nationalpark Donauauen (�sterreich) 445
  2. M�SSLACHER, F.: Ein Vorschlag f�r die zus�tzliche Verwendung von Crustaceen zur Qualit�tskontrolle von Grundw�ssern 449
  3. RATAJAC, R., G. KARAMAN, D. RAJKOVIC, S. STOJKOVIC & M. BOBIC: Bioz�notische Untersuchungen der Grundw�sser Ostserbiens 453
  4. DRNDARSKI, N.D., D. STOJIC & S. CUPIC: Infiltration of pollutants from the Danube River, Serbia, into a groundwater aquifer 457


  1. VADINEANU, A., S. CRISTOFOR, G. IGNAT, V. IORDACHE, A. SARBU, C. CUIBUC, G. ROMANCA, I. TEODORESCU, C. POSTOLACHE, C.M. ADAMESCU & C. FLORESCU: Functional assessment of the wetlands ecosystems in the Lower Danube river system 463
  2. ROMANENKO, V.D.: Ecological aspects of the projects of the uncompleted Danube-Dnjeper hydraulic engineering construction 467
  3. HORV�TH, L. & �.T. BARTALIS: Analysis of the evolution of organic matter pollution in the Danube, 1977 - 1996 471
  4. DALMACIJA, B., Z. TAMAS, E. KARLOVIC, I. IVANCEV-TUMBAS & S. KOVACEVIC: Amount and composition of municipal wastewaters of the city of Novi Sad 477
  5. STANISAVLJEVIC, M. & N. VELJKOVIC: Raumverteilung der Verunreinigung aus Zellulose und Verpackungspapierfabrik l�ngs des Moravaflusses als Donauzufluss 481
  6. COGALNICEANU, D.: Fitness of green frog populations (Rana esculenta complex) from the lower Danube floodplain 485
  7. POPOVIC, E., D. KOSTIC & S. SIMIC: Helminthofauna von Rana ridibunda Pallas (Amphibia: Anura) aus Kladovo (Donau, YU) 489
  8. IORDACHE, V., C. POSTOLACHE, A. VADINEANU, S. CRISTOFOR, G. IGNAT & M. ONETE: Effects of hydrological conditions on denitrification in the Lower Danube floodplain 493

Vol. 2, Key note lectures

  • WACHS, B.: Begr��ung 5
  • KOHL, W.: Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung von Gew�sserverschmutzung und Gew�sserschutz im Donauraum 11
  • STALZER, W.: Aufgaben und Ziele der Wasserwirtschaft 37
  • KAVKA, G.: Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Donaubeschaffenheit 55
  • HOCHMAIR, P.: Stand und Entwicklung des Kl�ranlagenbaus in �sterreich 75
  • KLAGHOFER, E.: Boden- und Stoffeintr�ge in die Gew�sser und Ma�nahmen zur Minimierung 99
  • GUTKNECHT, G.: Die Flie�geschwindigkeit als bestimmender Faktor im Gew�ssergeschehen 103
  • RODINGER, W.: �kotoxikologische Pr�fungen von Immissionen im Donaueinzugsgebiet 107
  • MATAVULJ, M.: Determination of phosphatase activity of water - new approach for organic biodegradable contaminants of surface water monitoring 137
  • TITTIZER, T.: Auswirkungen der Stauregelung auf das Makrozoobenthos der Donau 147
  • GUTI, G. & K. KERESZTESSY: Effects of long-term hydrological changes on fish communities in the Middle-Danube 161
  • HEIN, W.: Das internationale Donau-Umweltprogramm 179
  • FLECKSEDER, H.: Das �bereinkommen �ber die Zusammenarbeit zum Schutz und zur vertr�glichen Nutzung der Donau ('Donauschutz�bereinkommen') und sein Bezug zum Gew�sserschutz im Donauraum 183
  • ZINKE, A.: Die gr�ne Donau 211 Resolution der 32. Konferenz der IAD 215 Forschungsschwerpunkte der IAD 219
  • BLOESCH, J. & G. FRAUENLOB: Ecological Functionality of the River Inn in View of Man Made Impacts: Proposals for a Sustainable Development of the Inn Cahtchment (Extendes Abstract of a Literature Study) 223
  • KOLLER, KREIMEL, W., O. MOOG, A. SCHERNHAMMER & I. STUBAUER: Quantifizierung der Unsch�rfe familienbezogener Gew�sserg�te-Beurteilungs- methoden 229
  • LISKA, I. & M. MAKOVISK�: Die Belastung der Donau mit organischen und anorganischen Mikroschadstoffen 237

IAD(2000): The Danube and its Tributaries: Antropogenic Impacts and Revitalisation. Limnologigal Reports. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the IAD, 3-9 sept. 2000, Osijek/HR.


  1. CACIC, L. J., B. VUKSAN & D. GRGESINA: The Influence of the Wastewaters of the City of Osijek on the Quality of the Drava River 9
  2. WEILGUNI, H.: Water-Quality of the Danube River as Driving Factor for the Tropical Status of the Flood Relief Channel in Vienna (Austria) 15
  3. ZAPPA, M., A. BADOUX & J. GURTZ: The Application of a complex Distributed Hydrological Model in a Highly Glaciated Alpine River Catchment 23
  4. ZHURAVLEVA, L. A. & A. A. MOROZOVA: Hydrochemical Characteristics of the Proot River and the Adjoining of the Water Area of the Lower Danube 29


  1. RANK, D., W. PAPESCH, V. RAIJNER & R. TESCH: Kurteite Anstiege der �H-Konzentration in Donau und March 35
  2. REIFENH�USER, C. & K. H�BEL: Die Genehmigung eines Forschungsreaktors an einem Nebenfluss der Donau 41


  1. CACIC, L. J., �OLJAN, V., M. GLANCER- �OLJAN: Selection of Procedure for the Treatment of Wastewaters from Sugar Production 51
  2. HRENOVIC, J.: The Importance of Purification of Leachate from Zagreb's Landfill Jaku�evec 59


  1. BERGFELD, T., V. KIRCHESCH & D. M�LLER: Model Based Analysis of Annual Phytoplankton Variations in the German Reach of the Danube River 67
  2. BODEMER, U., KOPF, & W. P�HLMANN: Chlorophyll Concentration and Composition of Phytoplankton in the Danube River near Regensburg Determined by Delayed Fluorescence during 1998 73
  3. HORVATIC, J., F. JOVIC & Z. POPOVIC: Model of the Algal Growth Potential (AGP) of Chlorella kessleri Fot et Nov. in vitro Samples from Lake Sakada� by Miniaturized Bioassay 81
  4. HORVATIC, J., Z. VIDAKOVIC-CIFREK & I. REGULA: Trophic Level, Biopro- duction and Toxicity of the Water of Lake Sakada� (Nature Park Kopacki Rit, Croatia) 89
  5. KALCHEV, R. K.: Relationships between Chlorophyll-a and Abundance of Danube Phytoplankton 95
  6. KISS, K. T., �. K. P�PISTA, �. �CS & J. MAKK: Comparison of Phytoplankton of 80s and Late 90s in a Large Side Arm of the Danube River (Soroks�r- Danube - Hungary) 103
  7. KUREJSHEVICH, A. V., L. A. ZHURAVLEVA & R. K. KALCHEV: The Relationship between Chlorophyll-a and Nutrient (N, P) Concentrations in the Ukrainian and Bulgarian Sections of the Danube River 111
  8. OBU�KOVIC, L. J.: The Long-Term Studies of Phytoplankton and Saprobiological Characteristics of the Danube River in the Region of the Effusion of the Waste Waters near the Town of Pancevo 117
  9. PLENKOVIC-MORAJ, A., I. TERNJEIJ, M. KEROVEC & Z. MIHALJEVIC: Phytoplankton Community of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir Cakovec on the Drava River 123


  1. GHEORGHE, I. F., S. TOPA & A. VANINEANU: Dynamics of Vegetation Structure in the Small Island of Braila 131
  2. STET�K, D.: Aquatic Macrophytes in the "Gemenc" Floodplain of the Danube-Drava National Park (South Hungary) 137
  3. TOPA, S., I. F. GHEORGHE & A. VADINEANU: Nutrient Storage in Riparian Vegetation in the Lower Danube Floodplain 143


  1. DURBE�IC, P. S. VUJCIC-KARLO & L. �ERIC: The Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Some of the Forest Communities of Lonjsko polje 151
  2. JURCEVIC, I., J. MIDUSKA & T. MIKUSKA: Role of the Danube and its Inundation Area for Wintering Anseriformes in Croatia 157
  3. KRCMAR, S.: Contribution to the Knowledge on Horse Flies of Eastern Croatia (Diptera: Tabanidae) 165
  4. PANJKOVIC, B., I. KRIZMANIC, S. PUZOVIC, V. STOJ�IC, B. KOVACEVIC & I. �TETIC: Significant Biodiversity components at Apatinski and Mono�torski rit (YU) 171
  5. PANKOVIC, B., & B. BUTORAC: Association Hottonietum palustris Tx. 37 at Karapand�a (YU) 179
  6. �AJN SLAK, A. & D. VRHOV�EK: Nutrient Accumulation in Lake Cerknica 187
  7. TOPIC, J.: Vascular Flora of the Special Zoological Reserve of Kopacki Rit (Croatia) 193


  1. BOGUT, I. & J. VIDAKOVIC: Sediment Benthic Meifauna Communities of the Drava River 201
  2. BREZEANU, G. & L. GRUIA: Growth and Development of Dreissena polymorpha (Pall) species in Experimental Conditions in Danube Dam Lake "Portile de Fier" (Iron Gate) 207
  3. CHIRIAC, G., R. STOICA, C. IORDACHE, V. ROJANSCHI & M. SKOLKA: Difficulties at the Water Treatment Plant of the City of Sonstanta, due to Dreissena polymorpha 215
  4. DJUKIC, N., B. MILJANIVOC, V. PUJIN & I. TEODOROVIC: The First Record of Hypania invalida Grube (Polychaeta, Ampharertidae) in the Danube River around Novi Sad (Vojvodina, Yugoslavia) 219
  5. DOBRE, A.: The Hydropower Harnessings Impact upon the Benthic Fauna from the River Olt, One of the Main Tributaries of the Danube 221
  6. ERBEN, R., J. LAJTNER, A. LUCIC, I. MAGUIRE & G.I.V. KLOBucar: Attachment of the Zebra Mussel on the Artificial Substrates in the Reservoir Dubrava (River Drava, Croatia) 225
  7. GOTTSTEIN, S., Z. MIHALJEVIC, G. PEROVIC & M. KEROVEC: The Distribution of Amphipods (Crustacea) in Different Habitats along the Mura and Drava River Systems in Croatia 231
  8. HABDIJA, I., B. PRIVC-HABDIJA & M. �POLJAR: Current Velocity as Factor Affecting the Periphyton Biomass in Karstic Waters 237
  9. HABDIJA, I., M. ME�TROVIC, R. MATONICKIN, B. PRIMC-HABDIJA, Z. CINDRIC: Current Velocity and Retention Degree of Detritus in Moss Mats as Factors Affecting the Distribution of Macroinvertebrates on the Travertine Barriers in Karstic Waters 245
  10. MATONICKIN, R. & M. ME�TROVIC: Seasonal Colonization Dynamics of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Woodland Stream 251
  11. MIHALJEVIC, Z., V. TAVCAR, M. KEROVEC, S. GOTTSTEIN, I. TERNJEJ, M. MRAKOVCIC & A. PLENKOVIC-MORAJ: Macrozoobenthos of Drainage Ditches at Two Reservoirs in the Drava River 257
  12. NOSEK, J.N.: Macroinvertebrate Studies at the Hungarian Danube Section 2. Spatial Pattern of Macroinvertebrate Communities in 1998 263
  13. OERTEL, N.: Macroinvertebrate Studies at the Hungarian Danube Section 1. Fundamental and Methodological Questions of Biomonitoring 271
  14. PRIMC-HABDIJA, B., M. �POLJAR & R. MATONICIN: Influence of Current Velocity on Ciliate Assemglages on Travertine Barriers in Karstic Biotopes 279
  15. PUKY, M.: Distribution of Decapoda Species along the Hungarian Danube Section and Some Tributaries with Special Emphasis on their Conservation Status 285
  16. VIDAKOVIC, J. & I. BOGUT: Factor(s) Influencing the Distribution of Freeliving Aquatic Nematodes at Five Stations along the Drava River 291


  1. AD�MEK, Z. & F. JURAJDA: Impact of Habitat Degradation upon Fish and Macrozoobenthos Biodiversity in Small Moravian (Czech Republic) Headwaters of the Danube River Basin 301
  2. LENHARDT, M. & P. CAKIC: Observation of the Age, Growth and Food of the Pike (Esox lucius L.) in the Danube (km 1178) 307
  3. MUSTAFIC, P., M. MRAKOVCIC, M. KEROVEC, D. SCHNEIDER, Z. MIHALJEVIC & I. TERNJEJ: Ichthyofaunal Changes in the Right Lateral Channel at the Dubrava Dam in Croatia 313
  4. PEHLIVANOV, L.: Ichthyofauna in the Srebarna Lake, the Danube Basin: State and Significance of the Management and Conservation Strategies of this Wetland 317
  5. ZANELLA, D., D. SCHNEIDER, M. MRAKOVCIC, P. MUSTAFIC & J. SUIC: Ichthyofauna of the Wetland Lonjsko polje 323


  1. CAKIC, P., M.B. ARAMBA�IC & M. LENHARDT: Saprobiological Analysis of the Danube River near Belgrade (Vi�njica-Vinca Section rkm 1161-1146) Based on Ichthyological Material, According to Different Classification in the Period 1992 - 1997 331
  2. CHIRIAC, G.: The Impact of Anthropic Activities over some Aquatic Eco- systems in the Arges River, a Tributary to the Danube 337
  3. MIHALJEVIC, M., I. BOGUT & D. NOVOSELIC: Trophic Relationship in the Pelagic Community of the Borovik Reservoir Three Years after Revitalization 343
  4. MIHALJEVIC, M., D. NOVOSELIC, Z. ARNAUTALIC & A. SMAILBEGOVIC: Water Quality and Trophic State of the Modrac Reservoir (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1997 351
  5. ROMANENKO, V.D.: Ecological Estimation of Water Quality with Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis 359
  6. SZAB�, �., T. BARTALIS & L. HORV�TH: Ecological and Water Quality Changes in the Danube (1848-1766 rkm) in the Last Decade 365


  1. BURKHARDT-HOLM, P. & J. BLOESCH: Fish as Bioindikators for Pollutants in the Danube River: an Approach 375
  2. OERTEL, N.: "Dreissena-Basket" - a Powerful Technique to Monitor and Control Heavy Metals in the River Danube 383
  3. WACHTER, K.: Zyanid-Unfall in Baia Mare, Rum�nien 391
  4. WATTENDORF, P., K. BLAUTH-BAEHR & O. EHRMANN: Gehalte von Schwermetallen und polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen in B�den des Naturparks Lonjsko Polje (Kroatien) in Abh�ngigkeit von �berflutungen durch die Sava 395
  5. YURUKOVA, L.: Current Data for Heavy Metal and Toxic Levels close to the Bulgarian Danube's Bank 403
  6. YURUKOVA, L. & H. KOCHEV: Element Accumulation in Macrophytes from Bulgarian Swamps along the Danube 409


  1. BACALBASA-DROBROVICI, N. & I. CERNISENCU: Anthropogenic Impact on Danube Semi-Migratory Fish Species in Romanian Danube Delta- the Impoundments 417
  2. BOGATOVA, Y.I. & G.P. GARKAVAYA: Formation Peculiarities of the Hydrochemical Regime of the Stentsovsky-Zhebriansky Wetlands in the Danube Delta under the Anthropogenic Influence 423
  3. CIOBOIU, O. & G. BREZEANU: The Gasteropoda Diversity in the Rumanian Area of the Danube Pool, in Relation with Habitat Types 431
  4. DOBRE DORU S.: The Structural Dynamics of the Main Zoobenthic Groups from Several Lakes in the Danube Delta 435
  5. IONICA, D., D. NICOLESCU & A. A. SIMON-GRUITA: The Assessment of the Degradation of Organic Matter in the Popina Zone, Subject to Ecological Restoration 439
  6. IONICA, D. & C. SANDU: The Efficiency of Organic Matter Destruction in the Sediment of Various Lakes in the Danube Delta during the Period 1996 - 1998 445
  7. PARPALA, L. & V. ZINEVICI: Ecological Role of Planktonic Copepods in Matter Circulation in Lacustrian Ecosystems from Danube Delta 451
  8. SANDU, C. Nutrient Dynamics in Correlation with Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Lakes Rosu and Tataru (Danube Delta) 457
  9. STOIANOVICI, E. & N. NICOLESCU: The Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Popina Area of the Danube Delta in the Period of 1996 - 1998 463
  10. STOIANOVICI, E. & N. NICOLESCU: The Taxonomical Structure of the Phytoplankton from the Lake Rosu during 1991 - 1999 469
  11. STOIANOVICI, E. & N. NICOLESCU: The Effect of Renaturation Conditions about the Variation of the most Important Phytoplanktonic Parameters from Popina Area of the Danube Delta (1996 - 1998) 479
  12. ZINEVICI, V. & L. PARPALA: Dynamics of Lacustrian Zooplankton Diversity from the Danube Delta and its Ecological Significance 485


  1. BALTA, I.: History of the Croatian Part of the Danube Basin through Travelogues and Historiography 495
  2. Bogdanovic, T.: Evaluation of the Dragonfly (Odonata) Number by Method of Minimum Squares 505
  3. BREZAK, S. & N. SLIVKA: Time Series Modelling of Low Flows of the Drava River 513
  4. FUCHS, E., H. GIEBEL & D. M�LLER: Development of a GIS-based Methodology for Predicting Ecological Impacts in Floodplains Caused by Alterations in Mean River Stages 519
  5. JURI�IC, M., T. HENGL, L. �UMANOVAC, L. & D. KRALIK: Agro-Ecological Modelling in GIS Environment 527
  6. KERZE-ZIVAKOVIC, Z.: Die Donau - Verbindungspunkt der Interessen 533
  7. SLIVKA, N. & S. BREZAK: Calculation of Water Volume in Inundation of the Danube River in Baranja 539

Special publications about the Danube:

TITTIZER, T. (1994): �berblick �ber die Forschungst�tigkeit im Rahmen der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung (IAD). XVII. Konferenz der Donaul�nder, Beitrag Nr. 5.31; 885-890, Budapest.

TITTIZER, T. (1996): Main-Danube Canal now a short cut for Fauna. - Danube Watch, S. 7-8.

WACHS, B. (1996a): The International Association for Danube Research (IAD) and its relevance to the Danube basin. Arch. Hydrobiol. Large Rivers 10: 229-236.

WACHS, B. (1996b): Fourty years of Danube research. Danube Watch 2, No. 2, 15.

TITTIZER, T. (1997): Ausbreitung aquatischer Neozoen (Makrozoobenthos) in den europ�ischen Wasserstrassen, erl�utert am Beispiel des Main-Donau-Kanals. Schriftenreihe des Bundesamtes f�r Wasserwirtschaft, Band 4: 113-134, 1997.

WACHS, B. (1997a): Zustand und Qualit�t der Donau. Verantwortung f�r einen europ�ischen Strom. Schriftenreihe des Bundesamtes f�r Wasserwirtschaft, Band 4, Wien, 28-51.

WACHS, B. (1997b): The Danube - rich diversity of the fauna of a European River - drastic decrease and possibilities for protection. Pretiskano iz umarskog lista, suppl. I, CXXI: 17-26.

SCH�LL, F. & TITTIZER, T. (1998): Elbe, Rhein und Donau im limnologischen Vergleich; (Weller, (Hrsg.): Gew�sserschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe) - 8. Mageburger Gew�sserschutzseminar. - Teubner Verlag, S. 319-322.

SCH�LL, F. & TITTIZER, T. (1998): Faunistisch-�kologische Untersuchungen an der Donau. - Umwelt Nr. 7-8, 375-376

TITTIZER, T. & JUST, I. & SCH�LL, F. (1998): Versuch einer Harmonisierung nationaler Methoden zur Bewertung der Gew�sserg�te im Donauraum am Beispiel der Abw�sser der Stadt Budapest. - 19. Konferenz der Donaul�nder, 15.-19.06.1998, Osijek/Kroatien.

WACHS, B. (1998): Heavy-Metal Pollution od Danubian Fish. Danube Watch 4, No. 3, 14-15.

WACHS, B. (1999): Die Biodiversit�t der Donau ist bedroht. Aqua Press. Mainz, 10-13.

IAD (2000): Water Quality of the Danube and her Tributaries. International Association for Danube research (IAD), Wien.

TITTIZER, T. & BANNING, M. (2000): Biological assessment in the Danube catchment are: Indications of shifts in species composition inducted by human activities. - European Water Management (Official Publication of the EWPCA), Vol. 2, 35-45.

TITTIZER, T. & BANNING, M. (2000): Langzeitentwicklung des Makrozoobenthos der Donau. XX. Konferenz der Donauländer über hydrologische Vorhersagen und hydrologisch-wasserwirtschaftliche Grundlagen, 4.-8. September 2000, Bratislava.